Sunday, February 15, 2009

sweet sound of silence...

oh, where to begin...

i am feeling rather fatigued right now, but it is the kind of fatigue that a little time and quiet will ease. i've just spent a few days with family, and while i love them all, the combination of boisterous children, too little space, and the drama of unresolved conflicts and grief has taken its emotional and physical toll. but enough said about that...i have learned (and now been reminded) that, family or not, i need not live their lives, and choose to not become enmeshed in thier issues....

so, on with my life....



  1. oh my.

    closeness with family is good.

    and the distance again is better!

    when I thought of your family there I thought of a toy I saw that was SILENT. gonna have to get Lush one!

  2. lol...wanna see that toy for sure! :)


We've talked, your turn!