Sunday, March 8, 2009

tantric healing....

i've booked a session for a sensual massage (the first of many i hope...). check it out When i first found it (through james' profile on another site i love) i was immediately captivated. the last two years have been a time of tremendous growth, healing, exploration, and insight for me, and at times i feel like i am nearing the end of a chrysalis stage of life...(well, at least one of the many cycles of emotional/psychological/spiritual transformation in our lives).
i've already been doing some healing body work (working on my chakras), but realized i've realized that I am still physically holding onto negative energy in my body. i've always had difficulty to various degrees being completely and fully emotionally present at times when I am involved with someone sexually (some of you may understand this, some may not), and I'm at a point where this is not okay with me anymore, and i want to more fully realize the fundamental connectedness between my physical/emotional/psychological/spiritual/sexual aspects of my nature. sound like difficult task? i don't think so...a long process maybe, but i know it will be so worth the journey....

i'll let you know how the session goes....



  1. Very few are present in their lives, let alone their love lives!

    A wonderful journey to yourself you've embarked on...

    May it be everything you dream!


  2. "i've always had difficulty to various degrees being completely and fully emotionally present at times when I am involved with someone sexually (some of you may understand this, some may not), and I'm at a point where this is not okay with me anymore, and i want to more fully realize the fundamental connectedness between my physical/emotional/psychological/spiritual/sexual aspects of my nature."

    Oh dearest Lush, I get that 100%!!! I am always so thrilled to know that I'm not the only one!! But really, to truly know that others feel the same, can admit it and then take the journey to explore it, heal it, grow it, and all the rest...makes this world seem so itsy bitsy sometimes!!!

    Oh, and your massage...I am envious. I don't believe we have any tantric healers here. Hence the need for me to move out West!!! LOL. Although I am fortunate to have a pranic healer I see now and again. I look forward to your thoughts afterwards...

    Be well


  3. I am kinky kinkster, I eat kink for dinner, lunch and sometimes breakfast

  4. anonymous - lol... sounds like you are fully sated....

  5. Oh glorious bounds, you half sated yourself in the openess of the wise!

    May the flowers bloom slowly at your feet, and the wind blow swiftly through you!

    I have a rose rotting in my loins for the fruit that becomes ripe in your essence.

    I am not totally rotten myself, at least that is what most people say, even though it could be un petite possible.


We've talked, your turn!